// meta tag NOT SECURE - Chrome 68 Security Warnings will appear from midnight tonight in the UK | Hackers Enigma

NOT SECURE – Chrome 68 Security Warnings will appear from midnight tonight in the UK

HTTP to HTTPS on 24th July 2018

ISLINGTON, EnglandJuly 24, 2018PRLog — The new security warnings now appearing with the global release of Chrome 68, the Google web browser used by 58% of all website visitors, are likely to cause significant public concern and loss of Trust, as many sites where users surf, shop, or login to vital services will be branded NOT SECURE in the address bar of their browser. Research carried out by Ipsos shows that 7 out of 8 people will not use or buy from a website that shows security warnings.

Other browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox are following Google’s lead, as the latest moves in a long-term plan to drive better Personal Data Protection and public awareness of Security and Trust issues across the internet.

The changes will affect businesses of all kinds, as well as government sites, Councils, NHS, charities – over 54% of UK websites are likely to be affected as they are still HTTP on the day before the change.

Trustify is leading the way in helping organizations adjust to this change and protect their reputations online, with Trustify’s SITEFIX offering delivering a one-stop way to FIND, FIX and SECUREevery HTTP site across organizations of any size.

Trustify’s CEO Alistair Murray says “Many organizations are set to be taken by surprise when Chrome 68 launches, and members of the public will be understandably concerned when sites appear as NOT SECURE. Our SITEFIX service at www.trustify.com/sitefix enables organizations to FIND, FIX and SECUREall their exposed websites and stem the loss of visitor traffic and loss of business. “

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Notes for Editors

Google Chrome is by far the most widely used web browser in the UK and worldwide – http://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share

The global move to HTTPS – the whole story from DigiCert – https://website-security.symantec.com/Chrome68_eng

Straight from the horse’s mouth – https://security.googleblog.com/2018/02/a-secure-web-is-here-to-stay.html

In the Press – https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/science-technology/971438/Google-Chrome-67-68-beta-update-release

NOT SECURE, now SECURE– the view from Entrust Datacard – https://www.entrustdatacard.com/blog/2018/march/chrome-will-show-not-secure-for-all-http-sites-starting-july-2018

Today’s press –


Alistair Murray, CEO
Office: +44 (0)844 334 3347
Mobile: +44 (0)7715 207250
Email: alistair.murray@trustify.com

Steve Boland, CMO
Office: +44 (0)844 334 3347
Mobile: +44 (0)7580 977937
Email: steve.boland@trustify.com



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