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Find Out How The Most Secure Places In The World Get Hacked

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MCLEAN, Va.Aug. 1, 2018PRLog — Keatron Evans, a highly regarded CyberSecurity expert and practitioner will present a fast-moving live demonstration of an enterprise security breach followed by what you can do about it at the enterprise all the way down to the personal level. After the initial demonstration, a Q & A will be held which in the past has been the most celebrated part of a Keatron presentation. The recording will not be available afterward, you must attend.

Mr. Evans is the Managing Partner at KM Cyber Security, LLC and responsible for global information security consulting business which includes penetration testing, incident response management/consulting, digital forensics, and training. Keatron is also a Senior Security Advisor at Savvius, and a top-rated instructor for ISACA a global association of 140,000 professionals in 180 countries that helps business and IT leaders maximize value and manage risk related to information and technology. He is also one of the authors of Chained Exploits: Advancing Hacking Attacks from Start to Finish, a textbook still used by U.S. Government Security Agencies.

What Do the Biggest Breaches Have In Common?
• Hacks are not complex
• Organizations probably had signs ahead of time
• Should have been prevented by controls already in place
• Fixes are very simple

What You Will See!
• Live real-time hacks of several vulnerabilities
• How company servers are exploited.
• Browser exploits – How you get hacked at hotels, Starbucks or the airport.
• Walkthrough of sanitized penetration test report.

What You Will Learn!
• 5 things you can do to protect yourself at home and at work from most cyber-attacks.
• The most common ways organizations are compromised.
• How to become a CyberSecurity professional.
• Who the attackers/hackers/threat actors are.

Who is this for?
• Chief Information Security Officers (CSI, CIO, CISO) will get a broad view of latest thoughts
• Tech Savvy CEO
• The consultant that needs or wants to understand CyberSecurity
• Information Technology Professional that wants to take a step into CyberSecurity

Questions and Comments:
• Answers and if possible demonstrations.
• Allotting 30 minutes, so you can get out early (we doubt that you will)

Event Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/find-out-how-the-most-secure…

For more information about KM CyberSecurity visit their website at https://www.kmcybersecurity.com/.

Excerpt from Business901 Podcast: https://youtu.be/9IX-i08k28U




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