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Flagship Killer: USBKILL V3 Demonstrates iPhone 8 & Samsung Note 8 Vulnerable to USB Surge Attacks

USBKill.com, the Hong-Kong based technology company that developed the “USB Killer” demonstrated this week that 2017’s Flagship Phones are vulnerable to power surge attacks.

The USB Kill v3 is a thumb-drive sized device that tests the resistance of electronics to a USB Power Surge Attack.

“The USB Power Surge vulnerability is a common flaw in products with USB connections today,” said Steve Benson, technician from USBKill.com. “Whether it be to cut corners, save money, or unfamiliarity with the flaw, manufacturers do not protect the data lines of devices, which leaves them open to crippling attacks.

“Internal and community testing reveals all industries are affected: not only consumer electronics such as telephones, laptops, and televisions, but also many critical industrial systems including aeroplane systems, medical devices and control hardware.”

The USB Kill Vv3 collects current from the power lines from a USB port, temporarily charging to 240V, which is immediately discharged into the data lines. This process is repeated multiple times per second, and typically causes catastrophic failure on unprotected systems.

Both the Apple iPhone 8 and Samsung Note 8 are vulnerable to USB Power Surge Attacks:

The iPhone suffered several critical failures:

  • Destroyed data lines (removing data transfer ability)
  • Destroyed power lines (rendering the phone unable to charge)
  • Permanent boot-loop (rendering the phone unusable)

The Note 8 performed slightly better:

  • Destroyed data lines (removing data transfer ability)
  • Destroyed rapid-charge ability (allowing charging through computer or 3rd party chargers only)

The test results and videos are available on the official USBKill Test Blog: https://usbkill.com/blogs/news

Official USBKill Pro Kits, in both standard and anonymous versions, are available through the official site usbkill.comand also now on Amazon.com and Amazon.de. Amazon Prime, grants free overnight shipping in Amazon USA, Amazon Germany, CanadaMexico, and all over Europe.

For more information, visit: https://usbkill.com/


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