PAquarium ICO for building world’s largest aquarium
Perspective idea that is using ICO as mechanism for attracting investments for crowdfunded project
ICO has become a new channel for investors to find perspective business ideas, and for companies to find investors. One of the most interesting ICOs which will start from 16th to 22th of July, according to Hype.Codes is PAquarium – donation based crowdfunding project with an ambition to build world’s largest aquarium.
PAquarium offers any individual sacrifice $ 3.00 per month for 3 years to build the largest aquarium in the world. Project is easily perceived and goes to mass with an innocent story about Plankton which has no home. Everyone can donate to the aquarium construction. If the project succeeds, PAquarium will grant a lifetime entrance ticket to every user who has donated 108 or more dollars over the period of these 3 years. This means that, the PAquarium users will have the right to visit the PAquarium as often, and for as long as they want. And every ticket owners name will be depicted on the wall of honour in the constructed aquarium. In case the construction of the aquarium has not begun by February 20, 2020, the collected donations from PAquarium fond will be directed towards charity.
To finance the construction, PAquarium is using the financial plan that is based on the idea of spreading idea around the globe. Everyone can become a project messenger and gain financial revenue from the project. Profits can be made by inviting others. The platform is suitable not only for bloggers and professional affiliate marketers. It’s favourable for every internet and social network user.
At the same time PAquarium is using ICO as mechanism for attracting investments for crowdfunded project. Using opportunities of ICO, PAquarium is involving investors by selling 20% of PAquarium operational profit. When PAquarium will be ready, 20% of profit will be split between token holders annually. Investment will be covered by real estate and physical amusement park project.
ICO has never been used for crowdfunded project. Today, ICO enjoyed the company of information technologies, start-ups and association of enthusiasts who, using ICO strive to attract investment and public interest in new product or idea. Therefore, it seems that such type of project as PAquarium is the “new breath” for ICO, to dilute the blockchain segment.
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